Before Your Big Move, Make Sure to Take Care of These Tasks in Richmond, VA

by | Nov 4, 2019 | Moving Companies

Moving to a new city can be incredibly exciting, but there is an element of stress as well, even if you are working with movers Richmond VA. With everything that is going on, it’s not surprising that some things will slip through the cracks. Below is a list of some of the common things that people forget to help remind you to get these tasks done.

1. Confirm with the Movers

A few days before the big move, make sure to call the movers Richmond VA and confirm that everything is set to go. They should be ready with the right equipment and enough people to get the job done, but it’s always good to double check. This will help relieve some of your stress and let you know if there’s anything you need to do to be ready before they arrive.

2. Cancel Your Memberships

If you have memberships to gyms or other places, make sure to get these cancelled before you move. This will give you enough time to be familiar with their cancellation policies and save you some money in the long run.

3. Get Personal Records

Call ahead and let the doctor’s office know when you will be moving. This will give them enough time to get your information together. You may have the option of picking up the records or they may be able to email them to you. Having these with you when you move to your new city will be beneficial if an emergency or illness arises. If you have pets, don’t forget to call the vet for their records as well.

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to moving. Reducing stress and worry should be on the top of your list, and working with professional movers will help with that endeavor. Contact Stewart Moving Storage at Domain to see how they can make your move a breeze.

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